2023 Memphis TN to Springfield MO
For the second half of 2023 we headed back out west to Leadville CO for yet another 100 mile race for our son Brian. We were able to go to Memphis Tennessee where we went to the Bass Pro shop that’s in a building that looks like a pyramid.

Our next stay was in Hot Springs Arkansas. We had been there once before when we evacuated for a hurricane, but this time we thought it would be nice to go to one of the springs. It was so hot the thought of doing that was impossible. We did a short walk-through town then a short drive before just going back to the motor home in the AC.
After a couple of nights our next stop was Springfield Missouri where once again, we found ourselves in another Bass Pro shop. The reason for this was because the original Bass Pro is located there. The museum inside the shop displayed the history of the store, it was so interesting.