2023 Notre Dame and RV Museum in Indiana
It was time to start heading east again, and after a couple of stays in Nebraska and Iowa, we were in Elkhart, Indiana. The purpose of this stop was to purchase new and much better theater seats for the motorhome. We ventured out one day to meandered through the RV Museum and Hall of Fame.

On another day we went to Notre Dame to check out the football stadium. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to go inside.

Another point of interest was the Mosaic of Christ on the side of the Hesburgh Library. This is actually titled “The Word of Life” but is often referred to as Touchdown Jesus which seems fitting for this university. It's not the best picture, but I took it as we were driving past.

We were lucky though to be able to explore the Notre Dame Basilica of Montreal which is absolutely gorgeous!

We didn’t do much of anything else at this stay as it was more of a much needed rest.