2024 Grand Canyon to Skywalk to Vegas

We headed to Williams AZ, so we could visit the Grand Canyon South Rim once again. 

The last time we were at the Grand Canyon was in 1988 after a visit with Jeff’s grandfather in Tucson. We took this trip with 3 kids (Jeffrey 10, Jennifer 5 and Brian 5 months old) in tow. During that visit I was so consumed with watching that the kids didn’t get too close to the edge that I didn’t take the opportunity to really appreciate the beauty of the canyon. One story from that time that had me at my wits end was when Jeff wanted me to take a picture of him and the kids at Mather Point. He stood there with Jeffrey on one side, Jennifer on the other and Brian in a baby backpack dangling over the railing on the edge of the point! I about lost my mind and screamed to get the baby away from the edge! After I took the picture, a woman came over to me and thanked me for having him move from the edge and said it really made her nervous. Often times I wonder how many times that woman has told this story. That was almost 36 years ago, and I remember it like it just happened. Too bad the picture from that day is in storage. I would have loved to share it here.

But I digress…back to current day.  The park has changed a lot since then.  Most of what was dirt trails along the Canyon rim are now paved pathways and you can no longer drive in certain parts of the park; you have to take a park shuttle.

The Grand Canyon is mesmerizing! I was able to totally enjoy it this time taking my time to take it all in. To this day with current technology, pictures still don’t do it justice.

After a couple of hours meandering along the rim, we went to the Grand Canyon Lodge for lunch. I normally wouldn’t mention what we ate, but in this case I will. We had Navajo tacos on fry bread which was an unusual meal for us, and we loved it! After lunch we took a few more pics near the lodge.

Before we left the park, we drove to the east gate to see the Desert View Watchtower.

After the Grand Canyon South Rim, we headed to Boulder City NV, so we could go to the Skywalk at the Grand Canyon West Rim as an early birthday present! This has been on my bucket list since the early 2000’s when I first heard it was to be built. It’s on the Hualapai Indian Reservation (we were told it’s pronounced “wall ah pie”). This area of the canyon is called Eagle Point because of the eagle looking formation in the side of the canyon. Experiencing this marvel was more than I ever imagined it would be.

On the road back, we came across this interesting restaurant. We had fun thinking up what kind of food would they have? Chow mien taco? Fajita won ton soup? We didn't try it. Later, I looked it up and it had good reviews.

Yet another birthday present, we left Boulder City and went to Las Vegas. We had drinks and brunch at the Eiffel Tower restaurant. When we were there last year, I mentioned to Jeff that I would love to go there the next time we were in Vegas. Jeff made it happen! We had a table at the window that overlooked the Bellagio where we enjoyed the fountain show and view. And yes, the food was excellent!

Also, while staying in Las Vegas, we enjoyed the pool at the amazing Oasis RV Resort...

...rode the strip at night to take in the lights...

...and went to the Neon Museum where old Vegas signs are on display.
