2024 Tok, Fairbanks, Arctic Circle and North Pole Alaska

May 28, 2024, to May 30, 2024

Our stay in Tok, Alaska was a good plan after riding the Alaska Highway the rest of the way through the Yukon Territory and Destruction Bay. While this part of the ride was beautiful, as we had heard, this road had many frost heaves. Navigating over and around them required skill. Canada is pretty good at marking them with little orange flags and road signs. Some though hadn’t been marked yet and took us by surprise.

Another surprise was when we stopped to checkout a bear on the other side of the road. Jeff opened his side window to make it easier to get pictures. This bear walked right over to the motorhome then stood there like he was waiting for food. We pulled away because we thought he might stand on his hind legs and beg.

We found a moose in Tok…stuffed…and in a glass enclosure. The search to find one in the wild continues!

May 30, 2024, to June 7, 2024

On our way to Fairbanks, we were still experiencing the frost heaves on the Alaska Highway. They got worse but they didn’t beat us. The beautiful mountains made up for the bad road.

The highlight of our stay was from Jeff’s lifelong bucket list item of going to the Arctic Circle. We drove the Dalton Highway along the Alaska pipeline to get to the Arctic Circle. This is the challenging road the Ice Road Truckers (from the show) drive to Prudhoe Bay. Yes, they use this road all year round. We saw so many making that long haul with heavy loads. The trip is 194 miles to the Artic Circle from where we were staying. Everything we read has it as a 5-hour trip one way. Most of the road is gravel and/or mud. There are a lot of frost heaves, big (HUGE) potholes and road construction. Including a stop at the Yukon gas station on the way up for a pit stop and a stop on our way back for gas, the total round trip was 12.5 hours! The price of gas? $7.49 a gallon! There was so much mud and dirt on the jeep, but the trip was worth it. The Alaska pipeline runs along the road and is a sight to see. Pictures just don’t do the beauty of the terrain any justice. Yes, it was a long day. Yes, it was well worth it!

Also, while in Fairbanks we…visited with friends from Pennsylvania who happened to be there the same time as us…

… visited Santa Claus in North Pole, Alaska…

…checked out the Visitor and Cultural Center to check out the moose antler arch…

…and explored the Museum of the North. This museum has large displays of animals and history of the land and people.

  • Jocelyn says:

    Beautiful 😻. I enjoyed reading your adventures.

  • Linda Sanchez says:

    You two are having way too much fun 😊

  • Jane Faherty says:

    And it was great seeing the two of you!!!

  • Donna Dwyer says:

    Love this! We get to travel along!

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