
Category Archives for "2024"

2024 Valdez, Alaska

June 15, 2024 to June 22, 2024 While we thought Denali National Park was our favorite, it was quickly replaced by the port town of Valdez, Alaska. At every turn on the ride to Valdez, the sight was spectacular. We had taken so many pictures on the way and while we were there! I finally narrowed […]

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Alaska Bound – Part 3

May 22, 2024 to May 27, 2024 Skagway Alaska… we love this town. We visited here twice before while cruising on NCL ships. I had no idea we could drive here until our last visit in 2012 when Jeff said the next time we visit we’ll be driving! The campground was in the perfect location between […]

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Alaska Bound – Part 2

May 19 2024 to May 22, 2024 On the next part of our adventure, we exited highway 16 and continued our journey on the Cassiar Highway. As we ventured along, we decided to take a side trip to Stewart where we came across a grizzly bear. This was our second bear sighting on this trip so […]

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Alaska Bound – Part 1

May 8, 2024 to May 19, 2024 Our travel days are normally only 4 to 6 hours. Before retirement, we would travel as much as 12 to 24 hours depending on how long we would stay at our final destination before needing to be back in Florida to get to work. We would normally get home […]

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2024 Canyonlands National Park

While still in Moab, Utah (May 2 to May 8, 2024), we did another off-road trail in a county park. The trail is called Fins and Things. It’s pretty famous in the Moab area for testing 4×4 skills for which it stood up to its reputation. Since we still had the afternoon after the ride, […]

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2024 Arches National Park

The last part of our adventure before heading north to Canada, was Moab, Utah. The first place we wanted to see was Arches National Park. Without a timed entry pass, people can enter the park before 7:00am. So, we got there by 5:45am. The view was stunning with the sun rising behind the landscape. On […]

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2024 Zion National Park

While traveling through Arizona and into Utah, we have seen a lot of deserts. I keep finding myself singing the song “A horse with no name”. Now I understand that song completely! As we were limited with time on this trip to explore northern Arizona and southern Utah, we decided to only visit Zion National Park, […]

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