2023 Mammoth Cave and Louisville Slugger

Next stop was an RV park just outside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Since we already toured a cave the year before, we opted out of doing another. We explored around the grounds and found some old cemeteries and churches. Once again, we hunted out a few Amish bakeries. The Amish have the best desserts! The […]

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2023 Notre Dame and RV Museum in Indiana

It was time to start heading east again, and after a couple of stays in Nebraska and Iowa, we were in Elkhart, Indiana. The purpose of this stop was to purchase new and much better theater seats for the motorhome. We ventured out one day to meandered through the RV Museum and Hall of Fame. […]

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2023 Estes Park and Rocky Mountains

After getting everyone to the airport to head back to Florida, we went to Estes Park which is just outside the gate to Rocky Mountain National Park. I just love this town. Unfortunately, on this trip we didn’t get any pictures of the town. The first time we were there was October 2006, and we […]

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2023 Gunnison Colorado

We travelled on toward the quaint little town of Gunnison, CO which meant we had to travel via Monarch Pass over the Continental Divide which is at an altitude of 11312 feet. In a gas motor home towing a vehicle, it’s a little slow going, but we made it. While there we took a ride through […]

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2023 Life Throws Us a Curve

We had only been gone about a week and a half when we realized we needed to go back to Florida. Jeff’s mom had been ill. When we left for our next 2023 trip, we were sure she’d pull through as she had so many times before. This time was different. We got the call […]

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2023 Memphis TN to Springfield MO

For the second half of 2023 we headed back out west to Leadville CO for yet another 100 mile race for our son Brian. We were able to go to Memphis Tennessee where we went to the Bass Pro shop that’s in a building that looks like a pyramid. Our next stay was in Hot […]

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2023 Whitney Texas to Florida

After a few stops along the way to the east, we stayed for a while in Whitney TX. We were able to have a great visit with Jeff’s cousin that he hasn’t seen since 1975 and her husband. We also ventured out on a few day trips. One was the Texas Ranger Museum in Waco, […]

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2023 Tucson Again as We Head East

It was time to start heading back east which required another stop in Tucson. This time we went to Tombstone and Boot Hill Cemetery.  While in Tombstone, we took a rest in the coffee shop. The owner told us that his shop used to be the funeral home and he gave me a tour. I […]

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2023 Bullhead City Arizona

With RV life plans can change quickly. While at Yuma, we thought why not change our plans. So off we went to Bullhead City AZ. As we drove through different parts of Arizona, we saw signs warning of washes. Jeff had experienced these years ago when he visited his grandfather in Tucson. I couldn’t even imagine […]

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